Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Historical Event: Women Going to Work Outside the Home.

Our new idea of government is BRILLIANT! Make women subservient of mankind because we all know they are just here to do domestic and reproductive chores. We need to get back to the olden days of moms like Mrs. Cleaver from Leave it to Beaver. She was the idolized mom then and now we need her back! Since when can woman step out of the kitchen and go work in offices. This is not right! We need to go back to how God wanted it to be. Women under men.

It all started during the 1940's when we entered World War II. We needed men to go over seas to fight the Nazi, so we had the women come work in the factories. And they decided to never go back to their domesticated duties. When the men came home they had no were to go; they had to fight for a place in the factories while some even picked up the domestic duties in place of there wives.

This process continued for years, but than after the horrible event with the President and senate members' deaths we changed things! We made them lower than us. Some of the females were given to Commanders as handmaids (employed as walking ovaries) so we could rebuild the population. Not only did we make them reproduction tools, but they also did not have one freedom left in the world. Females could not own property or read. Since according to the great Fredrick Judd" 'Our big mistake was teaching them to read. We won't do that again.'" (Atwood 307). Judd was also the great man that created particicution (handmaids rip men, who did bad thing, apart) and is credited with the attack called the President's Day Massacre. The lower class of Gilead is so unintelligent that they actually believe that it was Muslim terrorists.

All was right in the world...well at least the Republic of Gilead.

Another event in history that is alluded to in The Handmaid's Tale is the Underground Railroad. The Underground Femaleroad (also connected to the Mayday Underground) did the same thing for women as it did for slaves.

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